Monday, April 14, 2008

A Few Lines of 'Stuff'

This is a useless post of 'stuff I'm doing' so if you are looking for a political or social rant tonight, well, all I can say is that we are pretty much screwed with all this inflation...and I CANNOT wait for Mr. Bush to leave the office.

Oh, and a year after the Virginia Tech shootings, did anyone notice that all that fanfare about gun laws that happened in the wake of the tragedy fell flat in about five minutes? What happened? Come on media! I still just hope that 'being green' actually stays an important issue after the celebs drop it and, oh wait, they still have huge mansions, private jets, and more excess than a Biggie Sized Value Meal? Oh, riiiight, they just like to look good in all those glossy ads and commercials touting green living. Not that I am a saint, but eeeegh.

Actually, I looked back at posts I have written and realize, sometimes, I can be too harsh. For example, this post, written back in 2005, that bashed The ONE Campaign. I guess I had a point, but maybe I should realize that a little effort can go a long way instead of slamming the cause. So, maybe I will feel bad about making fun of the 'trendy green' celebs eventually too...because they are just trying to make a difference right? But then again, it still frustrates me that P Diddy ever drove a BENTLEY through poverty stricken streets. Idiot.

Okay, so that wasn't supposed to happen...this was supposed to be about useless 'stuff'...soooo...I head out for Vegas on Thursday morning. Besides a short weekend in Ashland in February, this is my first actual trip since returning to Oregon. So, I'm looking forward to the 85 degree forecast, some real downtime, and quality time by the pool. Life'll be pretty simple until that 8:30 am flight back home on Sunday morning. If I decide to get on it, that is.

In other news, my half-sister is due in late July with new baby niece, who remains nameless. Right now the arguments surrounding her birth is whether she will be a Duck or a Beaver. All of us smart ones know which one she will be...the one wearing the Beaver booties.

I got invited to a trailer trash party in May. Send me some suggestions on what to wear, and remember, I like to wear clothes.

And lastly, most know I have been touting the 'single' title again for a while (but that is about all the detail you will get about that subject, ever). So, I am in the store the other day, listening to these two 19 year old girls talk about marriage. They start to say, "Oh my gosh, I want to get married before I turn 30 because if I wait until I am thirty and then have kids, I am going to be soooo old." So, I just wanted to say, thanks girls...thanks for the reminder that I am soooo old, and on top of that, soooo not married, and on top of that, apparently going to be soooo the oldest mom by the time I have kids. Thanks. You girls are soooo sweet.

Music time...Sun Kil Moon have a new CD out called April. It's great. Go buy it and get the bonus disc, or download it off iTunes...just make sure you actually pay for it so that they stay afloat because they are fantastic!


Anonymous said...

for your trash night I would recommend any thing that says OREGON STATE on about trash colors.

Jennifer said...

You know that at 19 you'd have been that girl. At 19, 30 seems like 30 years away and really, super old - sigh. I posted new Cedar pics BTW - go see.