Thursday, July 31, 2008


Meet Ms. Taylor Evelyn, my new niece, first born baby to Lexy and Ben, new object of my adoration and affection. She was born on Wednesday afternoon weighing in at a tiny ten pounds! Okay, that's not tiny. Clearly the most beautiful little bitty ever.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Me, Myself, Doing Nothing

Yep, it's Saturday night and I am writing a post to my blog. I was told this week by a very wise person that I needed to do something for myself because I rarely do. So, after going to the coast yesterday to drag our feet around in the sand and exhale some stress, wise person released me and said, "Remember to do something for yourself this weekend!"

It turns out this is something that is kind of hard to do at times. This summer has been really fun, but extremely busy too, and today was no different. I mean, I had a birthday party for a cute little kid to go to today. I have a friend in town from Colorado who I haven't seen in ten plus years. I have a dog who would probably love to go for a walk. My roomies invited me to a baseball game, had a suite to sit in and everything. And today, I just didn't want to do any of it.

Instead, I slept in really late. Took a shower at 4:00. Accepted the offer for free dinner from my roomie. Watched TV for the first time in weeks. Zoned out essentially. And it has been nice. I'll admit I had a couple moments of weakness where I texted a couple friends to see what they were doing, because at times, I feel like I always have to be doing something. But the truth is, I don't. I have about 70 more years to live. There are plenty of days to do things.

Maybe tomorrow will be one of them, but today isn't over on that note, I am going back to doing nothing.

And, while I do nothing, go listen to You Are Goodbye by Holly Conlan. I am telling you, sometimes the free song of the week on iTunes is amazing. And this is one of them.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Venting Girl

I had a great weekend, but I am just not in a good mood today. I can't explain it, so I guess I will write instead.

While I am ultimately in control of my life at the moment, and life is going quite great actually, there are some things in my life that are on 'wait and see' status. I'm not going into detail on it because I have nothing to complain about really. I just need to decide how I want to live my life and let it all effect me right now. One of those things is leaving Portland. Is it going to happen? I'm not sure yet.

Now, here's a complaint though: There are people showing up in my dreams who I just don't want to see anymore. I don't want to know where they are, how they are doing, or what they are up to. I just want them 'erased' essentially. Those who know me probably know the few people this refers to, but they donated a lot of negativity to my life and I really feel like the best thing for me is to not have to have them show up in my dreams of all places.

And on that note, my roomie just told me the whole house is going to float the Clackamas river, so it looks like I am going to go and get myself in a better mood by doing that!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Some of the Good Things

Here's a short list of the good things going on in my life or that you should be paying attention to. It's nothing deep, and you don't have to pay attention to my life, but some of the suggestions are good ones:

Pandora: Simply the most amazing place for free music. It makes playlists based on one key song. They're always great, and you can tailor them to your liking. Try it out.

We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank by Modest Mouse: In heavy rotation during my weekly commute when I get tired of my iPod. One of my favorite songs so far...Parting of the Sensory

My Fourth of July weekend: It was good. That's all. Quality time with a myriad of people from Thursday to Sunday.

Lunch with the girls: Every Wednesday, I get together with three of my closest girlfriends for lunch. It's a chance for us to catch up and ogle the cute baby who joins us. It also reminds me that friendships are precious and having time with these girls is a great thing. I suggest you get something like this going if you haven't already.

My family: I have to admit, I still feel like I am getting to know them at times. But one thing I do know is that I belong in this crazy group of people and I love my time with them. I still wish my older brother would meet my dad. Maybe one day.

The weather: I'm sitting outside writing this at 8:30 and it's 85 degrees with a warm breeze. Can't beat that.

And, here's a song worth listening to: I'm Yours by Jason Mraz. Sure, it's taking over the airwaves right now, but there's a'll make you smile.

And, that's all for now.