Sunday, July 13, 2008

Venting Girl

I had a great weekend, but I am just not in a good mood today. I can't explain it, so I guess I will write instead.

While I am ultimately in control of my life at the moment, and life is going quite great actually, there are some things in my life that are on 'wait and see' status. I'm not going into detail on it because I have nothing to complain about really. I just need to decide how I want to live my life and let it all effect me right now. One of those things is leaving Portland. Is it going to happen? I'm not sure yet.

Now, here's a complaint though: There are people showing up in my dreams who I just don't want to see anymore. I don't want to know where they are, how they are doing, or what they are up to. I just want them 'erased' essentially. Those who know me probably know the few people this refers to, but they donated a lot of negativity to my life and I really feel like the best thing for me is to not have to have them show up in my dreams of all places.

And on that note, my roomie just told me the whole house is going to float the Clackamas river, so it looks like I am going to go and get myself in a better mood by doing that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Comments offered up on the other spot I post this blog:

1) Sarah, Our church sermon (if you can call it that, lol) was about life's uncertainty and how psychologists believe uncertainty is more stressfull than bad news. The bottom line of the talk was the idea of embracing uncertainty and use it to make you wiser. Little sayings were brought up like "If you want God to laugh, make a plan", and some folks suffer from "analysis paralysis". The idea that came to my mind was that of living in the moment. Enjoy each moment for what it is, take from it what you can and move on to the next moment.

As for those folks in your dreams...not wanting them there is what is putting them there. Not sure how to fix it or if you should fix it. Those dreams can be reminders of the kind of people you don't want in your life. If you "erase" life's lessons about unhealthy relationships, you won't know how to or remember to create and maintain healthy ones.

I know you didn't ask for my 2 cents but by-golly there it is!
I hope you had a great day on the river and that you remembered your sunscreen!

We miss you and look forward to seeing you next weekend?

Posted by Marni

2) I hear ya, Sarah! What's up with moving, though? Catch me up! As for the dreams, I still sometimes have dreams about my ex-husband. They suck mostly because in the dream I have to go through the whole process of leaving him again. Not pleasant. So, anyway, I know how you feel about people you'd like "erased" showing up, uninvited, in your dreams. While it may be of no help at the present moment, the dreams should pass. At least, they do for me... =)

Posted by Louise

3) Sarah, bless you for being so honest and open. I LOVE that about you!!!! The two previous comments are very wise... You're just processing and it will get better. You will have peaceful dreams again.

Posted by Aimee

4) Sarah I have so enjoyed getting to know you. You are a positive person by choice and nature, not by circumstance. you don't naively ignore the tough stuff but you make it a point not to take the good stuff for granted. For instance, free slurpies. :-) i'm sorry some of the heavier stuff has come out to play this weekend, may those occasions be few and far between. see you tomorrow... how much fun will WE be having, Chait???

Posted by Megan