Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Good Dirty Fun

I took part in a mud volleyball tournament over the past weekend and thought I would share some pics from the experience. My hesitation about spending a day in the mud quickly disappeared after I duck taped up my shoes (you have to if you want them to stay on in the mud and not get cut by the rocks underneath) and jumped in. We beat our first competitors 15-1 and ended up 4-2 to clinch a spot in the third place bracket. To the left is part of our team, The Itsy Bitsy Spikes, after three games. Not so dirty! There were some teams with people swimming, floating, and diving into the mud, but most of our team heeded the warning that sharp rocks were at the bottom of the pits (may have had something to do with our team being one of the fewer sober teams there).

I am pretty certain that true volleyball skills had little to donate to this tournament. Knee deep in mud with eight to a team, the spikes were few and far between, and several times, the ball would just thud onto the water right outside arm's length, splashing tons of lovely mud right up into your face. There were quite a few rallies though and it was hard to not just dive for the ball (though hilarious when people did...they'd lie there for a minute and then stand up, soaked and shocked, covered from head to toe).

We plan to participate again next year with a more organized team and stay the whole day (half of us had to leave eight hours into it before we finished the tournament because of other obligations). If they have one of these going on in your area, I recommend taking will get a free mud bath and have a lot of fun.


Nita said...

Mud Volleyball? Now I know people who go 'muddin' but it usually involves a 4wheel drive vehicle or a 4 wheeler (ATV). Don't believe I'll be trying mud volleyball, although it sounds like you had great fun. Btw, found you through your sister's blog.

Jennifer said...

That does not sound like fun to me sis. Not by a long shot. Still, good you had fun. Ben used to play mud soccer. The pics are horrid.