Monday, October 20, 2008

Guest Post From My Smart Little Brother

I didn't write this, but was pretty proud of my smart, and clearly wise, 21 year old brother who did write it, so I am reposting it with his permission. He also included this video at the top, but I am not techie enough to figure out how to embed it, so here is the link instead: (Late addition...people in the sun left me some lessons on how to embed, so now the video is present!)

Anyway, read Scott's opinion on the upcoming election and remember that you have the chance to make a truly informed decision come election day. In the meantime, his mom (my stepmom) is out canvassing neighborhoods for Obama and I am pretty sure we are all voting for Obama. So, pretty much, my whole family rocks. Here you go...

Being Politically Minded...

For those of you that are able to vote on November 4th, stand for something more then a single point and take the whole picture and what the candidates stand for into account.

I'm sorry but if you are basing who you are voting on in this election on one single point (lets say abortion for instance, as I know many ignorant republicans are...), you need to do your research and not assume first of all that all democrats are pro abortion. Obamas stance is to promote contraceptives and have them be avaliable to all that need them. He is against late term abortion and partial birth.

Now lets take into account that when Bush came into office, Clinton had left us with a surplus (and despite the fact that the only thing you can remember about him is that he cheated with an intern, so did JFK and many other presidents, he did great things for America). Our deficit has gone from 6 trillion to 10 trillion in the past eight years under Bush's regime. (Fact)

So now it comes down to the real boiling point, and one of the main hot topics today, our economy. For those of you that would like to elect a president who completely opposes abortion, but will only send our economy into a further down spiraling twist with tax cuts (that benefit the rich 10 fold then the middle and working class, which consists of 90% of America by the way) and ridiculous international spending then sure, go ahead and elect Mccain. Now for what I would hope is the more intelligient of the people reading this, consider voting for someone who really does stand a chance at pulling America out of the slump that we are in now. (Check republican/democrat economic track records)


If Mccain is elected then abortion will be safe this is true, but as more and more mortgages fail and poverty rates increase, people can no longer pay to go to school, or to support their children and families, but HEY IT'S OK AS LONG AS ABORTION DOESN'T EVER HAPPEN.

God help our country, because obviously for how close Bush has claimed he is to him has helped us a whole lot. US being oil tycoons and millionaires.

Any millionaires or oil tycoons reading this?


People in the Sun said...

As a millionaire oil tycoon, I found this offensive!

I can't vote, but my heart is in the right place, I swear. (I allow myself to write about politics on my blog anyway because I'd suffer the consequences of a McCain-Palin win. Just like everyone else in the world). Good for your brother for getting involved and thinking for himself.

But I can't believe you can't put a video up...

Here: go to the YouTube link. See that code where it says 'embed'? Copy it. Now edit your post. Click 'edit html.' Now paste that code anywhere you want in the post. Press 'preview.' If it's there, press 'Publish Post.'

Did it work?

Sarah said...

Comments left the other place I post this:

Kristen said...Smart he is indeed. That video is so bad it's humorous.
Obama all the way. ~K

Christi said...Sometimes, it amazes me how smart he is and how he can word things amazingly. I wish I could. I picked a keeper! Our family DEFINITELY rocks.
:D. GO OBAMA! (i'm sending in my vote tonight.

Aimee said...He does sound very wise and informed. Vote for Obama!!!!! Thanks for posting this!
Great writing runs in the family.

People in the Sun said...

Hey, glad I could help.

Benjamin said...

Allow me to add my belated applause.