Thursday, November 20, 2008

1,2,3,4...Let’s Start a Comment War!

After I posted the video of Keith Olbermann on my blog, this comment war began on my Facebook...and lasted 37 hours. I won't comment much because the comments speak for themselves, but my favorite comment was when Jonathan decided to make light of the situation and quote a piece of the SNL skit from a couple weeks back with Ben Affleck impersonating Keith Olbermann...and posted the video too. He transcribed it by the way, which is even more impressive. I also got a few private emails from people asking who the hell one person on a tirade was. So, read on...very interesting...

VM Becerra at 9:14am November 17
Keith Obershithead must die, f-ing commie!

Gwyn Johnson at 2:33pm November 17
Yeah...not sure how he is a commie! He is not the one trying to rule others lives. Great VID Sarah!!

Stephen F. Johnson at 2:50pm November 17
Great video. To whoever made the other comment, really, seriously, did you actually listen to what he just said? I mean granted, all of these media talking heads are kind of tools, but really, on this post, on this issue?Eh, what's the use. Just go back to your dumb-as-we-want-to-be, SUV driving, fake conservative ignorant hole and dont bother the rest of us. After all, imposing your will on others just because you dont like them, or the person who controls your ideology for you says so, has a long history of success. It worked for Hitler, right?

Gwyn Johnson at 3:41pm November 17

Sarah Chait at 6:43pm November 17
I'd have to agree that Stephen and Gwyn are right on this one. Vic, I think Keith was very warranted on every word he uttered...wanting people to spread love and hoping for equal rights does not make one a Commie...I found Olbermann to be pure genius in this 'speech'...I almost cried because he didn't only hit on gay marriage...he hit on MUCH more than that. Stephen, love the boldness, LOVE IT!

VM Becerra at 7:56pm November 17
I never agree with Sir Elton John, but on this matter, he is dead on. Here is part of his quote.We're not married. Let's get that right. We have a civil partnership. What is wrong with Proposition 8 is that they went for marriage. Marriage is going to put a lot of people off, the word marriage."John and Furnish, and their two cocker spaniels, Marilyn and Arthur, were in town for Tuesday's annual benefit for the Elton John AIDS Foundation. "I don't want to be married. I'm very happy with a civil partnership. If gay people want to get married, or get together, they should have a civil partnership," John says. "The word 'marriage,' I think, puts a lot of people off. "You get the same equal rights that we do when we have a civil partnership. Heterosexual people get married. We can have civil partnerships."

VM Becerra at 8:09pm November 17
Steve, ask Sarah about me, I am a Conservative, and I do drive a Jeep, and I am a card carrying member of the NRA! I also get to help the less fortunate and teach them how to survive on their own, as well as I get to shoot the bad people that want liberals like you dead. As for Obershithead being a commie, yes, sorry Keith, voters did what voters do, and voted. And I would like to thank the Black vote in California, because they saved marriage.

David Aguayo at 8:21pm November 17
What a weak opinion of marriage it must be that feels threatened by people different than yourself wanting to take part. Maybe we should question every person on how well they respect their marriages or marriage in general so we can better save the institution and save people from their fears.

Stephen F. Johnson at 8:31pm November 17
You are familiar with the concept of mccarthyism, right? A certain senator/political block who destoyed people's lives and careers, generally for no good reason other than personal gain, by calling them communists. I see no good reason at all why making an argument for giving people equal rights makes Olberman a communist. In fact, if history is any guide, ad hominem attacks against an indidvidal as opposed to a critique of their argument, combined with a threat to kill them, would be far more indicative of communist/totalitarian behavior then someone arguing for equal rights. There is another concept, on which this country was founded, that seems to me that it ought to be more applicable here: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."

Sarah Chait at 8:41pm November 17
Well said David and Stephen. Vic, I know we never agree on politics, but I have to say that this is clearly about more than politics. And while Elton John may be fine with a civil union, it's clear that many people, including myself, who can marry whichever man I please one day, thinks that everyone should have an equal shot at marriage. I've seen so many marriages go down in flames with infidelity, control, anger, and aggression that I can't justify we have anything to 'save' by making marriage exclusive to heterosexuals. There are fantastic marriages too, for sure...but if anything, I want more people to be able to have those fantastic marriages...even if they marry the same gender.

Stephen F. Johnson at 8:43pm November 17
Now, I know i was a little harsh in unleashing a broadside like that, but frankly it seems to me to be warranted, because right now all of the people out there fucking up this world are those who are intolerant of the views of others, and would rather silence/oppress/dominate them than just let them live thier lives in peace as long as they are not harming others. I dont really care to ask Sarah about you, because frankly you are fitting every blind "guns and Jesus" stereotype I can think of. if you ask her about me, you will find that I am very VERY far from a liberal. I am actually a lifelong conservative who is sick to death of the current political environment.I like guns too, even assault rifles, although the concept of someone bragging that they get to shoot people appauls me to a very deep level. It is unfortunate that that kind of action is ever necessary, but the world is not a safe or fair place. But to revel in it? i suspect in time you will reconsider those words.

Stephen F. Johnson at 8:56pm November 17
I am with David and Sarah here. Let people live thier lives and pursue thier happiness. The only institution threathened here is probably the Catholic Church. Marriage has existed since before the invention of the concept of government, law, or religion, and has survived far far worse than two people comitting thier lives to eachother in union before God Country and Family. The only people arguing that this will "destroy the institution" are those who seek to try and control and manipulate people through fear. These are the same people causing and or exascerbating the worst of the world's issues right now, as if they must use fear, then they are probably on the wrong side of truth and morality. You can choose to participate in that, or to make your own decisions and do what your own concience tells you, not what those in power (political or religious) would have you believe.

Stephen F. Johnson at 8:58pm November 17
Oh, and about the jeep thing, read this: then knock yourself out at the pump about a year from now. In the meantime, I will be busy helping people be able to get thier food from the field to the dinner table without having to shoot people to protect the fuels required to do it.

VM Becerra at 9:43pm November 17
Sorry Steve, I am a Atheist. I only believe in the Constitution. Also, Steve, I help people by teaching them to protect themselves. google army sf one day. I use to be a liberal, then I grew up. Try it one day. BTW Senator McCarthy was not to far off on communism in the US. Know your history read in to it more than just your Wacky Pedia. And i hope never to meet you, I might laugh because you fit my stereotype of the weak, self-hating liberal.

Jonathan Albright at 10:19pm November 17
"Dear Mr. Olbermann," the letter read, "the co-op board reviewed your letter in response to its no pets policy, in order to accommodate your cat, Miss Precious Perfect, regretfully conclude that such an exception is not possible at this time." Regards, Richard Leiberstein, co-op President.And there it was, all perfectly legal, like the 1942 internment of more than 100,000 Japanese Americans, or the forced relocation of the Cherokee on the Trail of Tears. Or the monstrous injustice of the Jim Crow laws. It was all perfectly legal and EVERY BIT AS WRONG, if not indeed more so.Mr Leiberstein, sir, you speak so eloquently of the rights of others. How dare you sir, how dare you. Where, sir in any of this were the rights of Miss Precious Perfect? See they not that horror to which the Leiberstiens have so willingly blinded themselves? This, sir, is a genocide...a feline genocide.

Sarah Chait at 10:25pm November 17
Thanks for lightening the mood Jonathan. Remember watching that a couple weeks ago and just cracking up!? This is why you are one of my favorite people. Ben Affleck did the best impression ever!

Gwyn Johnson at 6:04am November 18
Stephen is NOT self hating...or a liberal. The only hate I see is coming from you there Vic! I suggest if you can't back up your political view to keep atleast the "Hate and death" words to yourself. After all you are there to "PROTECT US " am I wrong??

Elizabeth Heuberger at 6:35am November 18

VM Becerra at 9:30am November 18
Back what up Gwyn? Lets see the facts here, first, Cal voted not once but twice on this issue! Ok, so the courts reversed the Prop the first time. Then the voters had a signed referendum to bring it back to a vote in Nov. Then the voters said, hey lets pass it again, they did. 2x. What don't you people get? I voted for the other guy, but with BHO as pres, I will respect him because he is my new C in C, and the people voted on this. Now, everyone else should respect Cal's vote. Sorry gay folks, no marriage for you today, but I do agree with giving them a civil union. But hey we live in a democracy, so try again in 2 years.

Gwyn Johnson at 10:40am November 18
Well I don't think it's the end of it, looks like the BHO is likely to take it to the supreme court. My "backing it up" comment was referring to your shit flicking without any basis for your beliefs. I understand you are in the military and can't get into details its just nice to hear words that are constructive and not "DIE COMMIE" and calling my husband weak and self-hating. THat get's you no-where if you are looking for a political discussion I would say be constructive and argue your point- and lay of the "DIE COMMIE DIE" rhetoric :o)

David Aguayo at 1:01pm November 18
If we get to vote on who gets to get married and who does not, I say let people who espouse hatred have their rights withdrawn. I really do not want them taking part in the sanctity of my marriage. Oh and cat lovers. I hate them....soooo much ;-)

VM Becerra at 3:10pm November 18
No, look Gwyn Communism is the belief that Government knows what is right for its citizens and their vote does not matter. That is a Commie. Get it? Also, if BHO goes after this matter and supports it going to the supreme court for a reversal, then he loses his Black Community base. Remember, that in California, it was the Christian Blacks who voted for this in a big way.

Gwyn Johnson at 10:49pm November 18 Sorry, that is no where close to the difinition of a communist. Granted in a communist government most don't have the right to vote. People are not "Commies" for having strong beliefs contrary to what was voted into law by the people?? If that were true you would be a "Commie for hating Obama"Oh....nice try on the black community base... that's not the only people that voted for that law and who really cares about that.... Obama is the first black US president I don't think he has to worry about an uprisal of black people hating him even if he did get this thrown out on the basis of Constitutional rights which it clearly contradicts. ""We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." -this one sound familiar

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