Sunday, May 20, 2007

Four More Days With Psycho Bird

To the left is my new friend, Psycho Bird. PB, as I will call him, has been terrorizing our house for the past few days. He dive bombs the family room windows, sits tapping repetitively on this window. I don't know what we did, but PB looks a little pissed off (click on the picture to get a closer look). I am guessing that too, because he has unloaded quite a bit of his unmentionables on the ledge of this window. Anyone ever had a 'friend' like PB before?

In other news, only four more days until I head home for almost two weeks. I'm really looking forward to the trip. I wrapped up my job on Friday, so I am officially on vacation until I land a new position. I wouldn't mind that being sooner than later. The weather here in Ohio seems to be beating Oregon's right now...sun, sun, and more sun. Hopefully that rain will exit for the entire time I am in town.

I've added in a pic of Maggie for all to see. She is getting big. She unfortunately has no real interest in catching that frisbee in the pic with her, but plays a mean game of keepaway from Bailey. She grabs it and runs around the yard taunting him with it. Pretty cute. Bailey's pretty patient with her.

Alright, see most of you Oregonians in a few days. Can't wait!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Ahhhh, PB is adorable. And good job listening to me -- more blogging less my space! All the cool kids are doing it.