Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Midnight in Good Old Oregon

Well, Washington actually...I'm five minutes north of the Oregon border at my sister's in Vancouver for a few nights. I just rounded out three nights and four days in Salem where I stayed at Robin's brand new house and ate too much everyday with she and Aimee.

While in Salem, we managed to get in a great girl's night with nine of us (thanks to Gwyn, Delainie, and Louise for doing the footwork to make it happen...so much fun!). My favorite part of the night was toward the end when a guy who knew Wes (who witnessed the tail end of the girl madness) commented, "It's awesome to see a group of people out genuinely having fun together...like, you guys actually all like each other. Most of the time in a group like this, people are putting up fronts and acting like they're too cool, but you guys look like real friends." Very true.

Well, I'll offer up a quick Good and Not So Good. It's definitely been a long time:


The weather in Oregon while I'm here...seventies and eighties everyday with clear skies. No rain. Yes, no rain.

Smokefree establishments: We managed to find three different places to go on Saturday night that were smokefree. Going back to Robin's to fall into bed not smelling like smoke was great.

Rogue Wave: Wait, let me say that again...ROGUE WAVE! JB, they're the best gift of music you could have possibly given me. I love them. They are just a perfect band and have completely satisified my need for new music. Listen to them people. You will like them.

Justin: Yes, Justin gets credit here for supporting me in turning down that job a couple weeks ago, then quitting it, AND THEN going on an 11 day trip back home, without him. Did I mention that Sarah means princess? Some days it REALLY shows. Oh, he's also been working on all kinds of house chores while I am gone, so thanks again. I do have relocation chores to do while I am here too, but it's all pretty painless when it's surrounded by several of my friends and family members.


My intermediate sized car rental is a PT Cruiser. I just can't say I love the ride, style, or gas mileage much and really thought I was going to get something more car shaped. But it has been getting me from point A to point B no problem, so I think I will survive another week in the bright red thing.

Allergies: My allergies have transformed into a crappy cold. Pretty annoying. The valley has been walloping me the past few days. I've got allergies in Ohio, but not this bad.

Joblessness: Probably not a word, but I kind of need to get a job again when I get back to Ohio. I still dislike the job market there, and my sister suggests that I just get my stuff together and start freelancing. That would be pretty ideal for this girl who likes to write a lot. Someone just needs to kick me until I actually try to get something published.

Alright, go listen to Rogue Wave. I'm going to bed.


Benjamin said...

Thanks for reminding me to appreciate the fact that I live in a city that does not allow smoking in its restaurants, etc. That was something I was worried about when I moved to Atlanta, but I forgot to think about it once I got here. Now that you've jogged my memory, I realize I've never seen (or smelled) a cigarette in a public place since I've moved here. Thanks for helping me be appreciative!

Here's hoping you somehow get over your allergies soon!

Jennifer said...

Don't listen to her -- all Sarah's done is play Trouble and Chutes & Ladders the whole trip! Fun times. Actually just stopping in to say, "Glad you're here sis." Wouldn't this be a great place to live?

Jay Bee said...

I thought Sarah may be enjoying some tax free shopping ... thanks for the shout out, as soon as I heard the words "Rogue Wave" I went straight for the cupboard to find "Descended Like Vultures". This was one of my favourite albums of 2006 ... That reminds me I should burn you some more music soon ... I haven't met her, but your sister rocks ... Did I mention how jealous I am that you're in The OR? Make sure you do Thirsty Thursday for me ... Peace