Thursday, May 03, 2007

A Rant Before Bed

So, everyone has heard the guy who says, "I'm kind of a prick" or "Some people don't like me, but screw them." The statements tend to be uttered by narcissistic assholes who people grumble about all the time and wish would just go away. They're the 'one uppers' at all the get togethers, the ones who have to chime in on everything, the ones who have a track record of making friends who they think they're 'tight' with, and then losing them pretty quickly. They clearly have characteristics that need changed, but won't do, it's just not in the 'prick' code of ethics to admit one's faults and actually, gulp, try to better themselves.

Not that these 'pricks' didn't before, but I've decided that they just irritate the shit out of me. Why would you be proud that you are a prick or that people don't like you? Are these guys just too above the world to care that they make everyone else's lives less enjoyable.
I often feel like telling these guys, "Yes you are an absolute prick. Now shut the f**k up and swim to the island where all the other pricks are and compete for one another's attention until the last 'one up' causes a big brawl that leads to all your untimely deaths."

Ahh, I feel better. Now repeat the rant with 'girl' in place of 'guy' and 'bitch' in place of 'prick' if you feel that I have unfairly attacked men tonight. There are definitely female versions who are just as bad.

Nacissism, ugh.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

So....I thought you might be having a breakdown after reading this. Glad you're not -- but you never did call me back. Rude I tell ya, just plain rude. By the way, did you here about the Get Sarah Back From Ohio campaign I've proposed on my blog? I may start a poll about it.
XOXO all the time.