Monday, February 27, 2006

Rambling Monday Post

I haven't rambled in a while, so here, have some rambling...

RENT: Call me a musical poser (because I am) because I JUST finally bought and watched this. Something in me thinks that the only reason I am drawn to musicals is because I had to watch them over and over with my sister as a kid. I remember being so damn excited to see this before it came out, and then...well, it got lost in life and I never went. So, I thought it was pretty decent, but I kept crying the entire time. When Justin asked me what was wrong, I said, "People are dying." Yes, death is still a sensitive subject for me right now.

I plan to watch RENT again when I have less emotions running through me. I liked the slower songs, but found the faster ones a little off key. My biggest issue with this is that I kept thinking about the opening to Team America...."my brother, and my mother, and my cousin...AIDS, AIDS." I better knock that out of my head next time I watch too. My coworker Wes borrowed the copy, watched it five times this weekend, and then went and bought his own copy. So from an unemotional POV, he may be the best rating of a sign that it's good...or maybe he just has a huge crush on Rosario Dawson.

Saying goodbye: I went with Robin down to Redmond on Saturday for the first memorial service for her dad. It was a true celebration of life and exactly as Steve would have wanted it with good music, a BBQ, lots of desserts, and a ton of good beer. There was even a shrine to the OSU Beavers set up. The next service is this Wednesday in Salem and it should be an equally fitting tribute. On Saturday, it was clear how much of an impact Steve has made on people's lives. He just made everyone smile and laugh.

Secrets: I have a secret and I can't tell yet. Aggh, it's killing me!

iTunes purchase #3: I actually purchased Ever the Same by Rob Thomas. Sorry, the mainstream song just caught my ear. And to make you non-downloaders proud, I removed Morpheus from my computer. Mostly because I was scared of viruses, but hey, I am trying to contribute to legit music buys. And paying 99 cents for a flawless good copy of a song really makes it so that I can't complain.

Jack+Sarah: A year has passed and I still love Jack Johnson. And just look at how cute he is singing the Curious George soundtrack. I bet his son thinks he is the coolest thing in the world right now.

Sarah+Oregon: It has already almost been a year since I returned to Oregon and I plan to recap it soon. Right around now last year, I was pretty terrified to be moving. But it has truly been a great decision for me.

Justin: Lastly, I will thank Justin for being here for me over the last couple of weeks. He is coming to Salem on Wednesday and will meet a lot of important people in my life for the first time. It's true that the circumstances won't be the greatest, but he doesn't worry about that and has been the greatest...and I absolutely appreciate him. He also leaves me cute messages in the steam in the mirror. How sweet.

Alright, that's the end of my rambling for now. Bye.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, if it's a sister secret you are speaking of - yeah don't tell! But if you have another secret and I don't know about it before random blog readers, well, you are in for it!

You know you should tell me everything :)

Love and kisses

Oh, and we all know you did not watch musicals as a kid just because of me... Or are you forgetting about Grease 2? Specifically one certain biker named Johnny :)