Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Duct Tape + Ann Coulter = PLEASE!

So, Ann Coulter thinks it's alright to use the word 'faggot' if you are using it in the right crowd...and by right crowd I mean 'right wing' crowd. Glenn Beck, a conservative himself, shot back at her that, no, it's not okay to use that matter what type of crowd you are entertaining. By the way, for a conservative news guy, I generally respect his point of is quite opposite of how Ann Coulter goes about spouting her own.

I despise Ann Coulter. She is the epiphany of ignorance. I actually cheered a few years back when someone threw a pie in her face, and I quickly change the channel when her bug eyed bitchy voiced frame appears on the TV for fear of chucking the remote at it and breaking the screen. Why? She typically represents her side of conservatism with such hatred for the people she doesn't see eye to eye with. Those who are liberal, gay, or just pissed about the war will rarely hear a well thought out and educated explanation for why they should see it her way. Instead, she resorts to slurs, lashing out, and 'shock jock' type antics to push her points.

Those who know me know that I am pretty far left on most of my political views. And with that, I maintain strong opinions on some things...I'm sick of the war, support pro-choice, am all for same sex couples and marriage. I wish we'd cancel Columbus Day and label him a murderer instead, and think Bush is a big putz (vetoes stem cell research, takes away money from foreign countries that don't teach his abstinence plan in place of sexual health and education, cannot put together just ONE sentence that makes sense). I do however, listen to people's points of view. I try to understand where they're coming from, and maybe even get into educated debates with them.

On the flipside, I still lose it if you say 'that's so gay' or 'fag' around me. I can't stand racial or cultural slurs. I also wish that all those who are so set on removing all the immigrants from the US would step back and realize that they themselves are probably here from some long line of immigrants...know many people here who are 100% Native American? Didn't think so.

That is probably why I wish that someone would take a fat piece of duck tape and stick it across Ann Coulter's mouth. She tends to hit me on my 'flipside' way too often. And those types of people just tick me off.

I noticed tonight while watching Glenn Beck give her his POV, she actually shut her mouth and looked a little defeated. I hope that this is a true sign that she has to know, deep down somewhere, that she is almost always talking out of her ass and just hoping that her 'right wing' crowd will cheer her on.


Jennifer said...

Oh my gosh. Have you ever looked at Ian's blog. It's on mu page linked under RIP because he quit. But from his blog (at the top) is a link to his other site Coulter vs. Preditor -- you'd love it. It's so freaking funny. Go look and way to keep up with the blog all of a sudden. I knoe you just wish you were me. Well, this is a step in the right direction.

Jennifer said...

I knoe (know) you wish you were me -- but with better spelling skills. Man.