Thursday, September 22, 2005

Complaint Session

Things that are annoying me right now:

Cable TV: My house decided to add 60 channels to our typically stripped lineup for football season so we can faithfully root for our Beavers. How can there be this many channels and STILL be nothing on? Besides getting to watch Fox News and CNN again, I think it's terrible. We did run across an episode of COPS that had some crazy lunatic getting hauled off to jail. When the cop asked him if he had a lawyer, he said, "Yeah, I have a lawyer and his name is Ouch!" He said it because his cuffs were too tight, and I don't know why I thought it was so funny, but whatever...that's the extent of entertainment I found in all those channels.

Hurrican Rita evacuations: Some news guy on Fox News pointed out that they are evacuating Texas with only one side of the freeway. As much as I know Texans WANT to sit in traffic for sixteen hours while the six opposing lanes remain empty, I'd like to echo the news guy by asking, What the hell are you waiting for? Open up those damn lanes you one is going to be heading TOWARD Texas for a while, trust me.

Alcohol billboards on the roads and freeways: I'm truly thinking about taking this one to the legislature. How can we possibly advertise alcoholic beverages on the roads where thousands are killed by drunk drivers every year? It's stupid, and I want them gone.

The Emmys: Talk about a joke. They are as lame and calculated as the Academy Awards. Why do the same people win every year? Why are the jokes so bad? I had to quit watching after an hour. Oh, and Zach Braff...didn't win. I don't approve.

On that note let me talk more about the Academy Awards. Yeah, it's not that time yet, but let me sum it up for you...Once you're in, you're gold for life ("Ooooh, Kate Winslet was just faaaabulous dying in Finding Neverland, wasn't she?"). I don't buy that these same repetitive nominees are the only deserving actors and actresses in the biz. It's a bunch of crap, and I haven't watched them for a few years now.

Abused animals: Tonight, I got sucked into watching that animal saving cop show on Animal Planet for thirty seconds (because if I watch any longer, I start crying). Being that my dog is pretty much human and treated like a smaller version of God, it makes me sick to see these poor animals all filthy, mistreated, and caged up. Oh, when people don't fix their animals, I get irritated too. I also plan to get petshops banned one day, just in case you're interested in jumping on that bill with me. Now, Bailey is from a petshop, and I love him, but all my future dogs will be rescues.

Ignorant people: So I work at an agency affiliated with the Catholic code of ethics. Most of our employees are great about separating their moral values from the work environment, but some let their feelings be a little too known. One of my coworkers used to work at the Boys and Girls Club, and he ran into a woman who works in another department. She told him that she refuses to let her kids go to the B and G Club because, "They did a billboard with Planned Parenthood, and Planned Parenthood supports abortion." She actually made this comment a long time ago now, and it still pisses me off. I just can't shake my disdain for the woman's choice to passively chastise one of my favorite coworkers.

My commute: 80 miles of driving a day gives me way too much time to think. Being inside my head for that long just gets on my nerves, so I try to make all my phone calls on the road.

Being 'that annoying girl on her cell while driving': Nah, this doesn't really annoy me. It actually keeps me sane, but I'm sure I am contributing to someone else's list of things that annoy them by doing it, thus starting a new cycle of annoyance for someone else. Good thing I can live with that today.


Anonymous said...

Sarah, your view on beer billboards are retarded and you earn no points, we are all now dumber for having to be subjected to your ramblings, and may god have mercy on your soul. no billboard ever killed or hurt anyone, but talking on a cell phone and driving. wow. your priorities are jacked up. And get a job closer to home.
your friend

Sarah said...

Victor, you punk! I'll call you from my cell phone on my extra long commute home tomorrow while I look at beer billboards and swerve all over the road.

Oh yeah, cell pics suck, so I am not sending one to Ryan. He'll have to settle for being wowed the instant he sees me instead.

And you are still a punk. Go jump out of a plane or something.

Love, Sarah