Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Me VS Hell?

Last night, I read this on a church billboard in the Sellwood area:


Hmmm, is it just me, or does this kind of scare you out of ever wanting to step foot inside their church? And how exactly do you beat Hell? Are they asking that I figuratively whack Hell with a big white baseball bat? Am I in a win/lose competition with Hell? Wouldn't defeating Hell completely corrupt the society we live within AND the land that God helped to create, thus essentially beating God instead?

Let's try something a little clearer and much less fear based next time Mr. Billboard Designer.


Anonymous said...

That's the best laugh I've had all week. And now I know what bumper sticker to get you for Christmas!

XOXO from me

m said...

Yes...the Baptist church on Tacoma! Always some extreme messages there!

Sarah said...

Hey Marcus,
That's so funny that you knew which church this was posted at. Good to know they have been this crazy for a long time and are continuing to feed the minds of highly impressionable seekers. Scary.