Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Not Exactly Feng Shui

I bought a book today. Wait don't get too's not exactly a mind bending, long and drawn out piece of work. It's called:

The Little Book of Wrong Shui...How to drastically improve your life by basically moving stuff around. Honest.

It's one of those $5.99 pocket books that I would typically NEVER buy. But tonight, while on an extended tour of Borders after a stop for dinner at I Love Sushi with Jessica and Jamie, I picked this thing up and everything in it had me cracking up. If it doesn't make you laugh, you have no sense of humor. That, or I can only blame my head cold... it has clearly gotten the best of me thanks to my many overlapping doses of Sudafed and Ibuprofen over the last three days.

Anyway, here are some of the shorter wise ideas from Wrong Shui. I'll post some longer ones some other day when my head doesn't feel like it has 100 balloons holding it up:

Conversation Piece: To encourage conversation, always have one fewer chair than there are guests at a dinner party.

Mind the Gap: Removing the occasional floorboard from your home will help generate in you, and in those who visit, a heightened sense of awareness of your surroundings.

On Reflection: A mirror on the bedroom ceiling reflects badly on you. Likewise satin sheets, remote control lights, and a baby oil dispenser on the headboard.

Arumortherapy: If your workplace lacks atmosphere, position a different rumor about your colleagues in each room.

How to De-clutter Your Home Without Really Trying: Leave an open window when you go on vacation and when you return, you'll find that the problem of a cluttered living space will have resolved themselves.

Alright, I am going to bed.


Benjamin said...

That's pretty funny stuff. Especially because I just had people over for dinner and was one chair short. I ended up sitting on a stack of shelves that are yet to make a bookshelf. I'll have to check this book out!

Anonymous said...

That's good times right there! I especially like the floorboard idea.

Anonymous said...

I've been sick all week with a head cold too - and loopy from cold meds. Why do I have to get everything you do?

You better stay healthy from now on sister! Or get someone else to clairvoyantly connect your illnesses to.

I still hope you feel better soon.
Love me