Thursday, November 03, 2005

Hey, It's November!

Let me start with a big 'love ya' to Kimmie who says she retreats to her office on bad days and reads my blog to cheer herself up. Kim, you are grrrrrrreat, and I hope that November 9th holds some good news for you. Either way, I'll be there for you. M'wah!

Okay, on with the show...

The world traveller returns...So my buddy Jamie has returned to the United States for the final leg of his five month vacation, so I am pretty excited to get to see him a few more times before he heads home to the land of Vegemite in two weeks. On November 16th, Jamie, myself, and two of his friends head to a sold out Death Cab for Cutie show at the Crystal Ballroom! Have I ever mentioned that every time I talk about Death Cab, I have little pangs of guilt for when I was with Mike and hated them FOR YEARS and bitched every time he played them? Sorry dude, I shoulda reckonized.

Two is better than one...It may be a little premature, but hey, mark your calendars NOW for January 7th! Kim and I are planning a joint bash to celebrate our 26th and 28th birthdays. Hers is the 5th and mine is the 11th, and those are both lame weekdays, so we figured we should reassign and enjoy ourselves smack in the middle of them both. We did a smaller version last year with about 20 people, and it was a blast, so stay tuned as we develop a plan for our celebration. It is likely to start in the morning with cheesy girl time and pedicures and then evolve into party time by nightfall. Yeah, that's all we have so far.

The Civil War...Okay, mark your calendars for this too. The Civil War is on November 19th this year, and I plan to do nothing other than bleed orange and black the entire day. The current plan is to head to the McMenamin's Mission Theater to watch the game. Both Beaver and Duck fans are welcome to attend. Last year, my friends here called me in Utah to brag about how much fun they were having...jerks. I haven't been in Oregon for the Civil War in four years, so the fact that I get to watch it with a bunch of good friends this year is pretty high on my list of reasons to be happy.

Damn darkness...The whole daylight savings thing has really messed with any chance of me driving home in daylight. It sucks for a couple reasons...

1) I can't see where the cops are hiding because it is too dark to see the on ramps, so...
2) I can't speed home anymore. Doesn't that suck?

In addition to the lack of light on my commute home, the INSANE amount of rain in the morning and evening has been a nightmare. I feel like my car is on occasionally thrilling feeling, but come on, hydroplaning for an hour on I-5 twice everyday is hardly fun.

Two is better than one, part II...Okay, most of my friends already know, and I don't write much about the subject anymore, but I don't feel the need to hide that I am happily using the word boyfriend to describe a certain guy. His name is Justin, and I won't jump the couch and annoy you all, but he's pretty damn great, really. I met him on my Max Crawling night...he's the eighth grade classmate who thought my shoes were cute. Well, he's more than that, but I'll shut up now.

Alright, gotta go eat some dinner, give my big dog a bath, and get some case notes for work done. I was going to go to the gym, but I haven't been there in so long, I can't remember where it is. Really, that's my excuse.


Anonymous said...

Hell yes, long commutes in the rain ABSOLUTELY SUCK. I do not miss the days of the Portland/Salem commute in either the rain, snow or ice. Blech!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Sarah quit complaining! You love Oregon – and you had an inkling it might rain there, right.

And be thankful that you don’t have to deal with dirt rain, dust storms, 120 degrees weather, plus no trees like a certain sister does.

Of course it’s been so long since you visited that you have probably forgotten all of these unique and charming ABQ traits.

Sniff, I think you should surprise me with a birthday visit. Come on! Road trips are cool. With just three weeks until my B-day you better start packing.

Love & kisses and all that, me

Jay Bee said...

I get a mention again! How cool!

Two apologies: one for not calling you tonight (I was pretty jetlagged, although I managed to see a gig at Dante's) and two for not being able to watch the civil war (I fly out to San Fran on that day). Should I say go Ducks? Thought not.

My people will call your people!


p.s. I'm having real difficulty posting pictures up on my blog. Are you?