Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Songs to Download and Obsess Over

Transatlanticism by Death Cab for Cutie. They used it in an episode of Six Feet Under once, and it worked very well. That was two years ago. Forgot about the song. Found it again. Called and apologized to Mike for hating his music when we were together (because some of the other songs to follow were downloaded by him too back in the day).

Mr. Brightside by The Killers. The teenager in my house played this song the day I picked her up to come live with us. Mainstream, but so good.

Jed's Other Poem by Grandaddy. Annoying intro, but then wow. And a good line about 'trying to sing it funny like Beck.'

Think (Let Tomorrow Be) by Sebadoh. I have this acoustic. Don't know if it's the only version. Damn good song.

Tomorrow by James. How did I avoid this song for years? What happened to this dude?

In the Sun by Howie Day. My version is an acoustic download. He sings that semi okay mainstream song Collide. He's got some good lungs.

Running for Home by Matthew Good Band. Be depressed for 4 minutes. It's good for you.

Not a song but, Bed and Breakfast, which is a three minute comedy bit I have on my computer by the late Mitch Hedburg (a funny comedian who recently died of a not so funny heroin addiction). Did you ever see him perform? He stared at the floor the entire time. He was a truly odd and funny man.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Tomorrow by James. How did I avoid this song for years? What happened to this dude?"

Years... try decade (more actually). James is cool though. We have most of the albums. So don't buy them we can make you copies.

Love your sister - who is still sorry for waking you up so early on the 4th.