Thursday, June 23, 2005

Don't Make Me Smack You

So the picture above this entry is Greg (and me when we were bitties). He died instantly on June 23, 1997 in a car accident, and this day always makes it seem like it happened more recently. I can't say I'll ever be to a point where I don't cry about it anymore, and I don't think I'll ever have to be. For the most part though, I think of him and smile.

I still consider this gorgeous boy to be one of my best friends. I can guarantee most of you who knew him well can still say that without hesitation too. Greg and I met when we were twelve, tricked people into thinking we were twins, fought like hell on and off for seven years and loved each other in between. He was always more like a brother to me, complete with the torture and teasing that you would expect. But with that came a very unconditional and protective friendship, and I like to think that our bond can carry on until we see each other again. He actually still shows up in my dreams on occasion, and we catch up, talk, I get hugged. It's always a bummer when those dreams end, but he's always back again.

So anyway, I sent this out two years ago, but I figured I would post what I wrote for his funeral again, just because it sums up the boy well:

Greg. I’d rather talk to you cuz it’s hard to explain this to everyone else. I can’t believe you’re gone, and I hope you listen when we talk to you. I’m going to miss your eyes, your smile, your confident voice disagreeing with all our opinions. Everyone’s here. Everyone who knew you says, “he was a good friend, or a close friend, or my best friend.” No one says, “Oh yeah, I knew him.” It’s always more. You knew everybody bud. Lots of tears in these past few days. The last thing you said to me was “I love you” on Saturday night from your cell phone. And then I said, “I love you too.” Unfortunately, not everyone had the same last words we did. But so many people love you. Never seen so many guys cry in my life. I hate that. I love you Greg. I hope you check in on us now and then. Teach the angels the art of winning every argument. Remember we’ll go out to coffee or dinner when I get up there in about eighty years. Like you always said we should. I’ll buy okay?

I found what Aimee wrote too, and it just helps to capture his personality even more:

I love you so much. You did so much for me and you always took care of me. I remember when I first found out you liked me. Once you knew that I knew, you were too nervous to talk to me. Until one day you were walking down the hall of North with Tim, and I came up behind you and pushed you. That gave you the courage to ask me out. But, then the night of our first date,I got locked out of my house and had to call you from a neighbor's to say I would be late. You thought I was going to cancel because you were afraid I had changed my mind. I'm glad that wasn't the case. I also remember the day you came to my house and played basketball with my brothers. Accidentally, you hit the ball and sent it through the window. Later that day, we jumped on the trampoline and you wanted to help my brother jump higher, so you got underneath the trampoline and pushed up with your legs. Only to find out you pushed the trampoline off its legs and bent them. You said, "I'm never coming over to your house again!" Yesterday I pulled out the letter you wrote me from Alaska. At one part you said, "They say you only find true love once and I don't think it's possible to find another person as great as you. I love you with all my heart." Of course you didn't want anyone to know you wrote a love letter. I'm glad I got the last two months to be with you. I need you and I'm glad we got close again. God had a plan for us. I miss you. You are my guardian and my protector. You will always be my angel and I know you are watching over me and that you are protecting me. I can't wait to see you again, someday. I will look for you. I love you.

I'd love for you to post a memory about Greg in the comments to this. It seems like he's still around because we still talk about him all the time, but it's still great to see what people remember the most.

Oh yeah, Greg...I love you and I miss you. I always will.

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