Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Job News and Unrelated Tangents

Alright, I proudly announce that I have no complaints about my new job. I have my own computer and desk in an office full of windows. My schedule is packed with a diverse array of things to do so that I'm not stuck sitting all day, and my caseload is an interesting mix of teenage boys and their foster parents. And best of all, I'm not getting cussed at, attacked, or completely exhausted by the end of the day. About time this day came, huh?

In other news, which there isn't much of, Mike reports that G. Love is playing at the Salt Lake City Public Library next week. Does anyone else find that a little bizarre? I caught up with Mike for almost an hour tonight, and he is doing fine for those of you who would wonder about such things or have to relay reports to a certain jilted nephew. I occasionally assume that the day will come when we won't talk anymore, and I can't decide if I am cool with that idea. I also really missed his parents this weekend, which had me momentarily bummed out. Another one of those moments I imagine.

My mom was pissing me off this weekend too. No, I haven't talked to her. I don't even know where she is, and I plan on keeping it that way. I just thought about her and it had me really irritated. Holidays. That's my only explanation. But I also transferred all this music into my iTunes and ran into some CDs she made me that reflect her moments of "created victim" that she was so good at. Then I landed on some good songs by Fleetwood Mac and the Moody Blues that reminded me of her moments of normalcy. I think I may need an exorcist for this one. It's odd to say that someone alive can have a haunting effect on you, but she does. Alright, maybe I need some counseling instead.

Well, on that note, I am going to sleep because it appears that I may need some about now. Oh, and I am in a good mood I swear, but sometimes a girl's gotta vent.

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