Sunday, June 19, 2005

Okay, here's a list


Our backyard is turning into a summer lair of fun. We've got the lawn chairs, BBQ, a fire pit, and a volleyball net. My next goal is to eliminate the grass and bring in a load of sand. I'm guessing Bill won't go for this idea I need to get sneaky. Anyone know a silent dump truck company?

I actually got to call my dad on Father's Day for the first time in my life. Oh, my half-sister Alexis got married Tuesday too. And I met my paternal grandmother at the reception. That's all pretty cool to me, if you must know.

My friend Ryan recently shipped himself off to South Korea to teach for a couple years, and he has started a blog about it. We worked at Oakley together, and he always provided constant entertainment for me. So check out The Nuprin Diaries, and learn a little about being a blond haired guy in South Korea. Oh yeah Ryan, start an uncensored blog too please!!!

The weather has finally shifted to sunny! And we've even had some cool storms late in the afternoon and early evening. Bout' time Miss Nature.


Hmmm, who cares this week? If it's not so good, it's not so bad this week either, or I am just completely indifferent. So I guess that's a wrap for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the shout out sarah. and if you must know, I'm doing a 'censored' blog so that my parents and grandparents can read it, too. Its full of inuendos if you know what I'm talking about. Trust me, there's more than basic info there, you just have to read between the lines.
