Sunday, March 13, 2005

The Long Long List of the Week

This week was good, fast too. So fast, I am kind of blurring everything together...or maybe that's just because I am so tired that I may just fall asleep right at my desk. Zzzzzzzzzzzz.


Saturday night, I finally got to eat sushi again and it was so good (and free) that I wanted to go home and just go to sleep. But then I managed to stay up until 4:00 am again. Whatever. Anyway, it was really good for landlocked, flown in daily I guess, and it made me excited to go home and go get it more often.

My favorite (and only) big sister Jennifer has decided that she wants to possibly move to Ashland, which means that she will be sooooo close to me that I will be able to visit all the time. Not only that, I will get to watch my cute nephew Cedar throw more fits (oh and grow up too). I am pretty big on living close to family since mine is so tiny, so the whole idea has me excited right now.

Raises are a great thing to get, and somehow I managed to score one for my last two paychecks. Going corporate back in November has its advantages I guess. And a nice boss helps.

I just scored the only vacancy at the Anderson Apartments, and I am moving in there in less than two weeks. This is actually one of my best friend's houses, and I get a whole floor to myself. It should be fun to have friends directly upstairs, and Jess belongs to my gym too, so we can motivate each other, what plusses.


Moving is expensive! I would love for some company to call and say they are paying for my move, but I guess that would require having a job lined up first. I am getting close I think, but maybe I will appreciate the free and money reducing vacation in between my job now and the next one.

Along that same line, I hate packing oddly shaped things that don't fit in anything. I'm scared that I will break my row of cool framed pictures from Spain, a nice lamp that's a little too long...okay, this is just my laziness in not finding the right box, huh?

The friends I am moving in with had to get rid of their goat Lola. She headbutted me once as I sat peacefully watching a movie. But she was cute, and I am sure I will miss the prospect of being able to play drinking games in relation to the number of times she cries in one night...but at least my dog won't be able to eat her.

This one is really in the good category too, but come on, my friend Jon just scored an awesome another state. And not the one I am moving to. I can't tell you how happy I am for him, but once again, damn, I wanted him to move here because we always have a blast.

And one more. I am happy to simplify my life to one pet. But I have to admit that leaving Louie, the once feral cat I rescued, and Mason, the overly neurotic psycho dog, has me a little sentimental. But the reduction from twelve paws to four and the lack of fur all over everything I own is going to be great, and I can always call Mike and see how they are doing.

And that is the long list of things I feel the need to like and dislike this time around.

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