Friday, March 18, 2005

My Steel Jawed Friend and Other Thoughts

Tonight probably would have been interesting had I decided to brave the new snow and hit the town up in Park City. The idea of cruising down a snow covered canyon on what is probably one of the biggest nights for drunk drivers didn't sit too well with me though, so instead I decided to come home and continue the painful experience of job searching. Tomorrow brings an evening with friends and drinks that won't be dyed green, and that sounds a little more pleasing to me at this moment anyway.

Needless to say, I have no interest in talking about my job search. It's been semi-productive, but ultra frustrating for a girl who enjoys the perks of being a well treated supervisor with a nice paycheck. The idea of going in entry level somewhere again has my pride halfway down my throat, but not quite to my stomach...and I am a little too stubborn to give up and just let it get digested. Oh yeah, I don't want to talk about this.

Let's look to the future instead. My friend Brian Nelson is back in Portland from Anchorage, and I haven't seen him in four years. He's this itty bitty guy with more energy than twenty of us put together. He'd occasionally blow through Corvallis during college and bring a closet full of hard alcohol, many good stories, and then he'd be off again. He's had tongue studs so large they've impaired his speech and his body is covered in tattoos. Part of his jaw is steel from a helmetless motorcycle accident five years ago that I hear actually would have killed him had the helmet been on. Finding out your friend is in critical condition 2000 miles away is pretty upsetting, but he bounced back quickly and was even able to utter "I love you" over the phone through his wired shut jaw shortly after the accident. He's just another one of the friends I've valued having in my life, and it will be great to see him again.

1 comment:

m said...

Sounds like an interesting fellow, this friend of yours with the steel jaw. I have to say that I saw a little forshadowing to the story about the motorcycle accident when you recalled his "blowing through town from time to time with a box of hard liquor". Actually, this guy sounds GREAT!