Monday, August 15, 2005


This morning during a team meeting, one of my coworkers started silently laughing while looking at me and then wrote ADD on a napkin, held it up and pointed to me. Later he told me that I was holding my thumbs together a foot in front of my face and switching the blinking of my eyes back and forth as if aiming for my fingers. Guess I was bored with the Ph. D we were on a phone conference with.

My job makes me laugh. Friday, I received a message from a probation officer, and at the end he said 'Love you.' You can imagine the embarrassed message to follow owning up to the mistake as thinking about his fiancee' when he made the call. We talked today and I told him that it is a little too early in our probation officer/counselor relationship to be using such endearing words. Maybe next month instead.

My two male coworkers also entertain me. They have also coined me 'SF' which stands for Single Forever because they say I am too picky to ever settle down. Sadly, they only know my current and past boy interests as a series of names that have included No Commit, Hot Guy, Jock Boy, Smart Boy, The Mormon, Future Friend, Make Out Buddy, and Future Husband. Oh and one of them was called 'F**king Pain in the Ass from time to time too, but we don't need to elaborate right now. When I use real names for the four boys, they are often confused as to who I am talking about, so I just leave it at the nicknames.

They also give me suggestions on dating. One of them says his 45 year old rich brother is single. I said I'd rather die poor and with someone by my side than alone when he kicks the bucket first because he's old. Apparently, that's picky. I also told them that I strategically conned the new Mike into shaving his sideburns shorter, getting rid of his goatee, and not wearing a mini mohawk when he is with me...I mean, it's kind of cute, but no. So they said that's just bitchy. But I did it really nicely. They also know that my age range is a mature 25 to a young 33 or so. Apparently, love isn't supposed to know any age, but I'm sticking to my guns until someone proves me wrong here, thanks.

Aight, random thoughts are over. I am going to bed.

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