Sunday, August 14, 2005

For Your Information

I noticed that I haven't written much this past week. What the hell was I doing anyway? Let me pass on the happenings:

Barcode: This place is awesome for late night food. No smoking, awesome pad thai, and a cool atmosphere with a good DJ mixing tunes while you eat.

Dublin Pub: This place in the Raleigh Hills area is pretty fun. The guy/girl ratio is 70/30, and while most of them are pretty much the jock boys I have decided to ban (i.e. Adam got pretty excited when I mentioned I went there Friday night), they are still fun to look at. We were headed downtown, but stopped off here, so I was way over-dressed. Keep that in mind if you head out there because you will look out of place in anything over a t-shirt and jeans.

Family: I went and spent most of Saturday evening with my dad's side of the fam, and it was fun. I feel completely normal hanging out with them, so that's nice.

Darts: I love this game, and played on Tuesday night at the Horse Brass with Mike. He left for AK the next day, and has yet to return. I am officially 'friending' him when he returns though, because I haven't yet, and it still just hasn't evolved into anything I want to get serious about. Oh, but darts, still fun.

Laying by the pool: Everyone needs one day where they lay by a pool, read magazines, and accidentally fry their skin. My day was Saturday, so please pass the aloe.

Meteor Showers: Friday night, after getting bored with the bars, I went up to the Hoyt Arboretum area with a group of friends, a bunch of blankets, and watched the meteors shoot around in the sky. We ran around, acted like a bunch of kids, and had some good conversations while drinking cheap Coors Light out of cans. I felt like I was in high school again, and it was great.

Dixie Tavern: Quite possibly the WORST bar experience ever in my days in Portland. Eight of us basically sucked in a $7 cover to hang out and stand around doing nothing but cry tears of boredom and watch this skeezy guy approach every girl in the bar. This place caters more to the boys, but the five guys with us hated it just as much as the girls. Oh, and what the hell is the cover for? There's no dancing, you have to pay another $5 to ride the mechanical bull (which only drunk ass weirdos and hammered girls trying to look sexy, but failing miserably did), and it will all just remind you of a really bad college party. We stayed 30 minutes, and then just couldn't take the pain any longer. NEVER EVER GO HERE!

Otherwise, I am just looking forward to an upcoming camping trip with several of my friends the last weekend in August. We're hitting the Detroit/Breitenbush area for our 9th annual trip. It is three days of absolute fun, full of catching up, swimming, bridge jumping, forest adventures, and several nice beverages. This year, we are gonna float our little rafts and yellow boats all over too, so that should be fun.

Oh, and of course, we're all happily awaiting the arrival of you too Albright. See you Wednesday when I sleepily climb my stairs to let you in and then stumble back to bed. Speaking of bed, I slept in until 1:00 this afternoon after two insanely late nights this weekend. Time to head back toward the pillow again, so have a good week people.

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