Sunday, August 14, 2005

I Like This

Ahh, this is my horoscope for the day, and I kind of think that it is good advice for everyone anyway, so just pretend your sign is where it says 'Cap' if you aren't one:

Remember, dear Capricorn, that it is insane to do the same thing over and over and expect different results. Don't fall into this trap of habitual blindness to the truth of an emotional issue. There is no real need for continual victimization on your part. Take responsibility for your feelings. Dig deep to find the courage to fight. There is nothing you can't accomplish as long as you are focused in the right way.

Yeah, so I decided to hang out with a 'trap' this weekend, and though I had fun, I really don't think I want to start the whole show again. I'd say I need to take responsibility for my actions instead of my feelings though, and this is definitely a two way trap, so whatever.

This is still good advice for severe situations, so I'll try to remember to look back and read this some other day when someone is pissing me off. I am sure that is bound to happen a few more times before I get it right. Of course, I don't really feel like getting it right at this time, because I'm finally having a blast. Hmm, maybe I AM taking responsibility for my feelings after all.

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