Sunday, August 21, 2005

Look, Pictures

Well, I have decided that it is time for me to go out and buy a digital camera. I took in a roll of APS film today, and found that I just don't take enough pictures anymore. I used to be a camera monster, flashing people as they slept peacefully, capturing random candids to use as blackmail ammo for later. So to realize that I have only taken one roll of 25 print APS film this entire summer just bothers me.

Here are some other reasons for my digital camera NEED (that's right, not want, need):

1) I need the instant gratification of seeing the picture and demanding that everyone pose again for a retake because someone's eyes are closed.
2) I need to find out BEFORE I get the prints that every picture I took with my girlfriends who are rarely all together at once turned out dark. With our schedules, it's hard to know when we will all be together again, so I need to have a million GOOD framed pictures of them sitting on my shelves at home to tide me over til I get to see them again.
3) I need to realize that I have taken way too many pictures of the dog I am overly obsessed with. Now, I love Bailey, but do I really need 1000 pictures of his dopey smile on my camera?
4) I just need to take more pictures. Life goes by pretty fast, and I think it's good to capture as many of the moments as I can in freeze frame. Pictures tell good stories, and I want to be able to stick a photo book in front of my future kids' faces so that I don't have to talk to them. No, I'll tell them all the stories that go with the each one. As many of you know, I really like to I would never let my kids get off that easy.

Anyway, there are a few pics from the summer to follow. In the near future, I'll be stealing more pictures to post from those smart people who already joined the digital age. Til then, this is what you get.

1 comment:

m said...

Looks like someone figured out how to use Picassa.