Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Daylight's starting to bleed

I mentioned tonight to a friend that I hope that everything will fall into place for me when I get back home. I am kind of an anxious stressball when it comes to having what I want, when I want, how I want it. Not in a vicious way, but I like to have control of my destiny I guess and always have. Anyway, he pointed out that I have applied for a ton of jobs, done my homework, and even have a good housing situation in the works and almost set up. Then he pointed out...that's not hoping. It took me a few to let that really sink in, but now I can appreciate the comment.

I like these song lyrics that say, "Nothing worth having comes without some kind of fight. You've got to kick at the darkness til' it bleeds daylight." This is how I think, but I REALLY think that I should get over the idea. I admit to having pushed aside a portion of my optimism and good karma thinking for the idea that being on my toes 24/7 is the only way I will get anywhere in this world.

But I think it is time to take the other advice my friend gave me too and just chill out for a bit. I know everything will be fine.

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