Sunday, February 06, 2005

Pride Be Damned

I am in the process of relocating back to Portland, Oregon. Surprising to many in the fact that over my years absent from the state, I have proudly proclaimed my love for the ability to "be out there on my own" away from the rain and clouds. The only problem being that despite the lovely weather I have encountered in CA and UT, it has been raining and cloudy in my heart without the people from Oregon around to make me smile.

So I have swallowed my's time to admit... my love for the thrill that hydroplaning on slick roads jolts through my body, the joy I get playing games and catching up with friends on camping trips while waiting out torrential downpours under big blue tarps with a stick wedged up in the middle for draining, the wonderful ease of hopping in the car at 10:00 pm to head to the coast for drinks under the stars on the sand, my happiness in having no excuse to fuss with my hair and use a straightener everyday (remember my love for the hair dryer?), my need for the comfort created while hanging out on Kay and Dougie's farm and the fun we have in their kitchen dancing and singing along to oldies and cheesy country songs, and lastly, my excitement in creating all the romance with someone again that comes while huddling together under one coat to avoid getting wet and kissing outside in the muggy summer rain that catches you offguard on a hike. This is definitely the stuff I think I can handle in my life again.

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