Friday, February 11, 2005

"Patience is a virtue, and I want it now!"

This is a quote that sums me up pretty well at the moment. A college boyfriend used to say this a lot and laugh every time as if it was the funniest thing he had ever heard. But regardless, I am a little impatient at the moment. Most people have heard me in some capacity complain about this "lull" stage I am experiencing while waiting five more weeks for the big move.

For me, this creates a situation similar to being a bright eyed kid who sees the packages underneath the tree in the days before Christmas, but doesn't get to open them yet. I know what some of the wrapped marvels are because the shapes and sizes are so obvious. Others I think I have an idea about, so I'll shake them and run my fingers over them, but still probably won't know what they are until the day I rip them open. And then there are those packages wrapped so well and mysteriously that I will never guess in a million years that they are sitting there waiting to surprise me.

By the end of my move, when my living room is situated, the job has started, and the days are running smoothly, I don't think I will really care anymore about what I didn't find inside all the packages. I may be slightly disappointed when things I really hoped for never surface. But overall, I know I will be enjoying all the other stuff that unearths itself too much to care.

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