Thursday, May 19, 2005

Another Week Down

Damn, that week went fast! So here is a list of what's been smile worthy, and the flipside, this past week:


Finally hung out with my friend Brian Nelson this past weekend. In catching up, I realized that this boy is damn lucky he hasn't served time for his antics. He is definitely more mellow than the old days, but he's still got the crazy in him. As an added bonus to hanging out with him, I ran into my friend Marcus too, so I got quality time with two Anchorage natives.

I just ordered a bunch of CDs through BMG because I wanted to replace the ones that Mike got when we broke up. So I ordered a new one too by Matthew Good Band called Beautiful Midnight. It actually came out in 2001, but it's new to me, and so good that I just keep playing it over and over. I also finally completed my Jane's Addiction collection by adding their last CD to my library, and though that is not new either, it's spin worthy. New music to listen to...laaaaaaa.

Mentioned already, but Trina's engaged! Yah again! Not only that, she has pictures on her photo gallery of Jack Johnson close up at his concert in Bend last year. My God, he is beautiful. Droooooooool.

I finally broke down and bought a plant. I've given him the name Frederick, and he is a Draceana, or something spelled like that. It's nice to have something alive and green in my house again. Hopefully, I don't accidentally kill him. Oh, and he's male because I have only ever had male pets...besides one female lovebird who just kept having babies, so she got the boot.

My sister is thinking about adding another kid to her small collection of one. My four year old nephew, Cedar, has offered up the idea of twins to her, and has promised to help feed them and even let them sleep in his bed. This is a big step up, because last I heard, he was saying, "Mom, can't we just get a cat instead?"


I still have 40 more hours left in residential work. One of my staff actually got a bloody nose last night thanks to a punch from a wiley little kid. And I got my first kick in the shin on Monday from a girl who was just pissed at the world. Man, I love it I tell ya...getting out of this field that is.

I am out of it in relation to time thanks to my swing schedule and busy life. I was talking to my friend Brian Beck tonight on the phone, and he said that they were going to go out for his birthday on Monday, to which I replied, "I thought your birthday was in May Brian," to which he replied, "Uhh, Sarah?" Is it clear that I am ready for that five day vacation that starts next Wednesday?

Smoky bars please go away. Make like Cali and ban the communal cancer to nice outdoor porches.

While I'm on the attempts to make things disappear, rain, could you please make an exit too? Seriously, I don't need torrential downpours on my days off. Bailey wants to go on some walks soon, and I STILL need to go camping. I guess this does mean that there will be a high likelihood for campfires being allowed this summer at least.

Cedar apparently finally got the talk from my 'bro in law' about Mike and I not living together anymore. He was a big fan of 'Uncle Mike' so I hope that he isn't looking like mad for Mike in my house when he comes to visit at Christmas. Then he will probably notice that 'white dog' and 'kitty' are gone too and never talk to me again. My sister has ordered me to only take another long term boyfriend if I plan on marrying him, so 1) I can have kids soon so that Cedar has some cousins, and 2) so that I don't traumatize the poor kid by losing another 'uncle.' Yeah, I'll get right on that.

Anything else is out of my head now, so it'll just have to wait until next week if I forgot it. Time to go have some Cocoa Pebbles for dessert.

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