Saturday, May 28, 2005

Waiting for Football

So my vacation weekend is moving right along. I got in the inaugural BBQ last night complete with sweat, too much to drink, and a few mosquito bites. It was damn hot yesterday...99 degrees for a few hours! A little vicious in my opinion after many mild days in the low 70s and 80s, but I am not going to complain because I love the heat. Prefer it dry, but I'm embracing anything that comes my way, even if it leaves me soaking wet.

Right now, I am waiting for my friend Beck to drive up so that we can go see The Longest Yard. I get way too excited when new football movies come out. Then again, I'm obsessed with football season too. I'll watch any college game regardless of which teams are playing, and I will watch any football movie no matter how bad it may be. Even The Replacements is like a train wreck to's one of the worst football movies hands down, but if it's on, I will sit and watch the whole thing (while bitching the whole time about Keanu's lack of acting skills of course).

My football love started in high school when Robin's dad Steve used to take us to Beavers games, many of my guy friends were football playing jerks who tried to act like they were too good for most people, and a lot of my girl friends were cheerleaders who had to be at the game all night...there's not much else to do when most of your friends are stuck on the field or the sidelines. But over time, the sport started to make sense, and I grew to love it. I did the sports pages for the yearbook so that I could stay on the field during games and enjoyed my crush keeping me propped up when players came smashing into the sidelines.

So now, The Civil War is one of the highlights of my year, and my mood can be affected for days by whether of not we beat the Ducks. I actually hope that my future kid wants to play this sport so that I can go watch him and cheer the whole time. Come September, you'll see me at a few Beavers games for sure, though probably a little more sober than how I used to attend in college.

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