Thursday, May 12, 2005

Good list o' the week

Yahoo, life's been goooood, so I have little to complain about. All I want right now is some long nights of sleep, some 80 degree days, and a warm body of water to swim in. Until then, here is a new list:


Alright, the job situation is officially squared away. I quit the lockdown yesterday morning, and put in a two weeks notice at the job I have been at for a week stating "I can't turn down a $6k raise that takes me out of rez too" (though a little more professionally). The two weeks has to be served because they are desperate for staff at the moment, and I didn't want to leave them short. The new job as a Family Support Worker starts the day after my well earned, self served five day Memorial weekend vacation. The job has me carrying a caseload of at-risk youth and their foster families. I have no outstanding job apps anymore, so this is it...but I imagine I won't mind having holidays, evenings, and whole weekends off (I don't even remember the last time those perks were part of my job nice!)

One of my kids at my old program wrote me and said that my dorm of girls misses me and that things are still not the same without me. Hey Ryan, if you're reading this, she told me that they were really sad you left yesterday too. Did you get sad, did you?

I called my sister really late last night, and she was still awake to chat with for an hour. I almost didn't call, but I had a feeling she was still up at 1:00am. Oh, and the good part here is our neverending psychic connection by the way.


DMB's new CD Stand Up will have to grow on me. At the moment, I am finding that I like a few songs, but I think it will take some time to attach some memories to this CD before it has a chance to sink in. I've decided that Ben Folds new one belongs in my collection next because I am desperate to find some new music soon.

Super smart boy goes here. I am definitely leaning away from the desire to use any 'dating' terms to describe us, and keep it 'just friends' instead. Cute boy just has the medal here for now. Hey, he's teaching me World Wrestling moves, proving that he can enjoy music besides death metal (classic soul and The Cure...what?), and makes me laugh a lot. And that's all I need right now.


Where the hell is the nice May weather that I remember from living here before? It's seriously got me a little stir crazy. Mother Nature, you are going down girl.

Look at this website and tell me what in the world we're thinking selling ourselves to all of this. Among the things you can get paid for: $50 an hour to drink beer, $1200 for hard alcohol drinking studies, $7k for donating your eggs, "sleep your way to $8680!" Wait, I could do that last one, no problem. Maybe I should move this to the GOOD category. I guess overall, it's pretty damn hilarious, and I could just go to grad school...hmmm.

On that note, I am off to sell my body, brain, and health to science...see you when I'm a millionaire with donated offspring running around in every state.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sarah, I was not sad when I left Oakley. sorry to say, it was a great relief. I had a "work party" last sat and NO ONE showed up. It was a pretty good indication of who really cares I'm gone. Luckily I had another party the night before for all my friends, who did show up. I leave UT in 30 hours and counting!
