Saturday, May 07, 2005

Back on the Balance Beam

I called out at work tonight to my old job. They were not too happy about it, but after working eight days in a row with four more to follow starting tomorrow, I can honestly say I NEED a break from all that is responsible for 24 hours. At this point, I have a feeling that I should sever ties with that place altogether because I really feel it is a poor environment that I will not be able to change...and oh yeah, didn't I move back here to work on having a life and not just work all the time? Additionally, I am going to hang out with my cute coworker again tonight. It would probably be good to not work with one of my 'prospects' anymore anyway. He actually told me that he was hoping I would get a new job because office relationships don't often go well. I would have to agree that they are irritating.

I am in a quandry about boys at the moment. The two I am dating here are so different that they would probably never be caught in the same room together. But at their bases, they are both extremely sweet guys. In the meantime, AK and I have discussed drafting an official binding contract that forces us into marrying each other by the time we're thirty if we haven't got it figured out for ourselves. Two of my friends reported that he told them drunkenly that he should just marry me anyway the last time we were here together...and apparently, at that same time, I told him I would make a good trophy. I still can't believe that I said that, but oh well.

So now I am going to go grocery shopping. Sounds exciting huh? A mundane chore like this actually sounds completely exhilariting to me at the moment, so I guess it's time to go load up a cart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You definately deserve a day off after working that many shifts in a row. I had a manager insist that once, and kindly told her to show up on a weekend to help out (which she did). We got Monday off.

Walk a mile in another man's shoes...