Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Cheesy Song Pride

As I have reported in the past, iPods are fun. You can upload the most random selection of music into it, and play the hell out of songs you almost forgot existed, or are too embarrassed to admit you love. That's my goal now...time to admit the worst songs I blast in my car when no one is in the passenger seat (except maybe my sister Jennifer):

Forever Young/Alphaville, Total Eclipse of the Heart/Bonnie Tyler, and Oooh Child/The Five Stairsteps: These are purely related to my adoration for my sister and our obsession with playing this trivia radio station at night that intertwined oldies, songs of videos my mom recorded off of MTV, and really cheesy songs in movies we would watch and fall in love with. So there you go, most songs tied to my sister and I in the 80s were ultra bad, but still so ridiculously endearing to me to this day that I love them.

We've Got Tonight/Bob Seger: Okay, I am obsessed with The Wonder Years, and still really pissed that it hasn't been released on DVD yet. I will seriously scream in excitement the day I see it on the shelves. Until that day, I have this song, which was played in the episode where Kevin and Winnie say "I love you" to each other for the first time (after her car wreck with the tough older boyfriend). I can see the scene now. Sigh.

Hands to Heaven/Breathe, Every Time You Go Away/Simply Red, Sweet Lullaby/Deep Forest: Purely sentimental here. When my good friend Greg died, the first two songs kept playing on my satellite station at work right after. I'll relate it to when someone breaks up with you and all the songs seem to glorify being dumped. This time it was a bit of a different story, and it generally ended with me leaving the floor to cry my eyes out. Luckily, now I just sing along and think about him. Anyone who knew Greg understands the last one...part of his 'do not disturb' chill time in his room of course. And I still play Life Goes On by Tupac which I know every word to and we played at his funeral. Sigh again, this boy will always be with us, and so will the overly sappy songs that remind me of him.

Back for Good/Take That: Redemption here is that Robbie Williams is semi entertaining and was a part of this group, but reeeeaaaallly, this reminds me of a long weekend with Aimee and our friend Litti in high school. We played Alanis Morrissette while exploring Portland on our own, and played this song in between over and over. I even admit that I thought that the video filmed with cliche' rain and hot boys falling to their knees was 'so cool' at the time. And of course, my on and off high school love was a pro at breaking up with me and begging me back. He worked it for a year and a half, but I finally got the last laugh. Ha, I love this song...and I play it, oh yeah.

Steal My Sunshine/Len, You Get What You Give/New Radicals: No excuse, they're awful, but I just don't care. They remind me of my first term at OSU...maybe listening to these fed into the reason I only got a 1.48 GPA my first term there.

That's just a few of my big ones. If the windows are rolled up on a nice day, there is also a good chance that I am blasting The Righteous Brothers, The Association, Joni Mitchell, James Taylor, songs from the Living in Oblivion 80's music collection, Dr. Dre, or the entire Footloose soundtrack. Maybe I should just get a convertible and blow by unashamed, but some of those Footloose songs are really bad, let me tell you.


Anonymous said...

First off I am completely appalled that you have placed Joni Mitchell in this “cheesy” song post. Joni is a goddess and don’t you forget it!

Two you forgot Runaway. Eddie and the Cruisers rules!!!

And three we are psychically linked. Duh! Just two days ago I spent an hour hunting down that movie with Oooh Child at the end of it. And I found it! However you don’t deserve to know what it is because of the Joni comment.

Love and hugs
~ Jennifer

Sarah said...


You HAVE to tell me the name of that movie, because I have wondered what it was for years!
Joni can move to the "only cheesy to male species" category if you tell me.

And of course we are psychically linked. Who else has the same bizarre coincidences ALL THE TIME as sisters?

Anonymous said...

Okay, but only because you are my favorite sister and you'll owe me big time now.

The movie is Over the Edge. Type "Over the Edge: The 70's Cult Movie Guide (part III)" into a general search (the URL is too long) and you can read all about it. You can even buy it I believe from Amazon - which sadly I may just do.

~ Me