Monday, April 04, 2005

My Bro and Some Other Randomness

I started my new job today. Waking up at 5:55 am to hit the shower and the road was easier than expected, but the job isn't exactly one I can see myself at for the long run...the kids are 50 times more squirrelly than my last bunch and I kind of felt like a glorified baby sitter most of the day...the kids here are so bold as to staff split right in front of the one who said no to them and every other word out of their mouths was 'f**k' this and 's**t' that. So it is a good thing I scored interviews with two more companies today. They are both in the social service industry, but much more up my pay alley and level of interest. I also keep getting solicited for jobs with DHS, so I just keep plunking out the prelims in hopes of finding one that is the right fit for me.

New on my agenda is the whole living life bit. I felt that my casa and job search was in order enough for me to take a night off this past Saturday and head to my hometown. I am from Salem (or So Lame as I like to call it), and going back always creates a little anxiety in me for some reason. Maybe it is the fear of running into ex-boyfriends, memories of living with my mom, or just having to use Lancaster Avenue to get every where...I just don't like the place much.

But anyway, I started the evening by heading out with my brother, Jay. He has ADD so bad that he should probably still be taking that Ritalin he started to refuse after the age of sixteen. He gets excited about something and you can see the wheels peeling out in his head at warp speed. It works to his advantage though. He just bought a car for $600 and turned around and sold it three weeks later for $3900, rents a two story townhouse alone that can only be described as a pimp pad, and has several cute girls calling at any given time. While out to dinner, he pointed out to his best friend, "If I had my sister's blue eyes, the girls would love me more." I like seeing glimpses of that adoring brother. I had a boyfriend demand that I get him something once and Jay jumped down his throat with "Don't ever talk to my sister that way." Hell yeah bro.

This got off track. All I can say is that Salem is an interesting place. I love my friends and family there, but I hope they come up to visit me more often. Portland is a much more fun to bounce around in. Oh, and I swear I'll get writing on some more interesting things eventually. It's only been a week though, so I'm still settling in. One weekend out in Portland should give me something to dish on. Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! Your descriptions of Jay are hilarious and true. I was laughing out loud. I can totally see him doing and saying those things – and I like and miss adoring brother too. That sucks about your job though. Hang in there I just read an article that said taller and more attractive people get the best jobs. (so you are half way there ha ha, just kidding)

By the way I just noticed in your profile that you actually listed the dog before me! What’s up with that?
Love ya anyway
~ Jennifer

Sarah said...

In reply dear sister of mine,

Oops, sorry, I am a little obsessed with the dog. If you promise to move to Ashland, I will list you before him. You can even leave me a message on my cell to earn the first listing. I'll be waiting.

Love, your favorite sister