Thursday, April 07, 2005


This morning I awoke from one of the most irritating dreams I have had in a long time to the sound of my phone ringing. Who was on the other end might you ask? DHS! They have finally called to offer me an interview for a position that works with teenagers in the foster care system. This may be a result of my consisent applying for every job referral they have sent me, including the ones I have little experience with, but this job is right up my alley, with the population age range I love, and work I am quite qualified to do. Better yet, it isn't in a residential setting, so I would have a nice change of pace.

Alright, back to the irritating dream...I was back in Utah splitting up stuff with Mike again, and my favorite plant wouldn't fit in my car or moving truck. Sadly this is a true story, and I am pissed that the loss is being rubbed into my dreams now. I am actually so annoyed that today I am going to go buy myself a huge new plant. In the meantime, Mike is holding onto my favorite plant so that I can pick it up when I roll through Utah again. Looks like I could get reunited with my Indian Rubber plant in June when I may head back to see my kids at Oakley graduate.

Alright, nothing more to say for now. Next up is a top ten list of my favorite soundtracks just because I feel the need to deviate away from my daily grind for a while.

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