Thursday, April 14, 2005

Searching for Non-Toxic Everything

I decided to pick up an extra shift tonight at the treatment center because I am close to having to say "I am poor" while I wait for the arrival of my paycheck from Oakley that has yet to arrive. Quite irritating to know I have money, but can't use it because it is lost in the mail somewhere between here and Utah. Even more irritating that I had auto deposit, but they decided that snail mail was the way to go for my final send off.

Sadly, I will have to miss having dinner with someone I have very little desire to meet, so the opportunity to work actually tilted to my advantage. When I mentioned to someone that I was going to meet this person, their snuffed and quick response was, "F**k (name here)!" Yeah, she doesn't seem to have a big fanclub at all, and I am looking to hang out with non-toxic people, so enough said.

And on the REAL job search...I have a second interview with a company in Salem, and the job has all the things I want right now...regular daytime hours, holidays and weekends off, a non-residential setting, good pay...everyone send me some good vibes please, because I can only take so many more kids telling me to f**k off because I tell them no. Yes, I would prefer to not deal with that again until I have kids of my own and I can ground them for it. Is that too much to ask?

1 comment:

m said...

Hmm, I wonder if I know this person that you were supposed to have dinner with.